"Illegal access detected!"
If you can rooted your phone, I know that you're not stupid enough to follow this instruction.
First school idol festival just look for the su file used to access the root on your phone (gain special privilege). If the school idol festival detect it, it will forcefully close and say "Illegal access detected" because KLab is paranoid as fuck. (welp, SIF is exploitable by editing packets though)
If you don't use any application in background required some root access, I recommend that just disable the root access using your super access management (AKA SuperUser, SuperSu etc.)
If shitaganai, use rootcloak (install Xposed module first!). If you encounter orange screen on rootcloak, probably you're using the 1.4 one, so far I'm using 1.3 and it's working properly.
Or check the FAQ on LLSIF wiki here : http://decaf.kouhi.me/lovelive/index.php?title=FAQ
That's it.
PS: Please if you encounter any problem using rootcloak on /LLSIF/, please comment the problem and i'll try to help you (also gaining knowledge for future reference)
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