Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Move LoveLive! School Idol Festival (files folder) to SD Card (Android)

Can you move LLSIF files on SD card?

1.) Your android must be rooted
2.) Be sure you have SD Card.
3.) Download ADB

Step 1:
1.a) Check if your device can be seen by adb.
1.b) Check if you have root privileged.

Step 2:
2.a) Go to /data/data/klb.android.lovelive (jp)  /data/data/klb.android.lovelive_en (en)
2.b) Copy the files folder to your SD Card (be sure your SD Card is writable)

Step 3:
3.a) Rename first the files folder as files_backup

Step 4:
4.a) Link the files folder on your SD Card on lovelive directory

Step 5:
5.a) If you type ls -la you must see this.

Step 6:
6.a) Play the game, if it's working. you can delete the files_backup on your lovelive directory. I hope you're not retarded enough to not understand this tutorial.

Q.) My screen become orange! ara~ ara~ doushio!
A:) The linked folder is not writable, please chmod -R 777 [path of linked folder] it.

Q.) It will work on LLSIF EN?
A.) Yes

Q.) How to do this on LLSIF EN
A.) Read the instruction

Please add me @ LLSIF EN: 548261952 (Thank you Xanthuss for UR friends!)